If you wish to enrol your child at PMPS, please fill in our Enrolment Form.
To enrol your child please ensure that:
- Your child is 5 years old by 30 April in the year that they start school (for Foundation).
- You complete an enrolment form and submit it and the following documents:
Evidence of Date of Birth – a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate
- Immunisation History Statement – available via MyGov portal, or the Australian Childhood Immunisation register (T: 1800 653 809, E: acir@medicareaustralia.gov.au).
Proof of address – E.g. current lease or contract of sale and two utility bills
And the following if applicable
Any parenting orders or legal matters to do with the care or safety of your child
Medical Management Plan
- Health Care Card (to be eligible for CSEF)
- Passport/Visa documentation – for students who are non-residents
Our admissions team will then reach out via phone or email with next steps.