There are many ways in which you can help with the Fete Day, please read below to see how you can support.

Calling all volunteers for the day. If you wish to help on the day, please sign up here volunteer.......As with all PMPS events, we rely on volunteers to make the day a success.
Donations now welcome. You can drop donations of lucky Jars, soft toys (in excellent condition), full size, rectangular/flat chocolate for the lob-a-choc (Eg. Kitkat, Furry Friends, Cherry ripe), lollies for prizes, excellent condition small toys for lucky dip or nice gift items for the adult lucky dip. We are NOT looking for books, clothing or general homewares as we will not have these stalls this year. You can drop items anytime to the school office.
If you would like to support the Fete but you are unable to attend or volunteer, you can make a $ donation towards the Fete costs. This will go towards the costs of the day, including hiring staff to help where we don’t get volunteers. We know not everyone can spare the time to volunteer, but you might be able to donate cash instead.
The Waste Warriors team will ensure the day is sustainable as possible. You can help by bringing a reusable bag, a coffee cup and a wine glass. Please ensure you put your rubbish in the appropriate bin, so we can manage the rubbish and avoid food waste or recyclable material ending up in landfill. We will have a washing up station this year to help with reusing cups. You can sign up to help the waster warriors team on the fete roster
We need first aiders to support the day, if you have any training in this please let us know at
For any of our aspiring gardeners, now is a great time to start dropping your donations to the garden stall. The garden stall is very popular, and we welcome any plants, succulent bowls or terrariums that are donated.
The stage will be full of our talented families. In the past we have had a wide range of performances including singers, piano players, highland dancers, tap dancers, violinists, meditation musicians and a whole lot more, this year promises to be just as exciting.
The Lucky Dip stall would like donations of small items they can use in the lucky dip boxes. You may also consider making up some Lucky Jars. Fill old jars when you finish using them with craft items, stationary, lollies or excellent condition small toys for the children or adults to have a surprise pick!
If you are making up any Jams, Marmalades, lemon curds or pickles over the next few weeks, please prepare a few extra jars for the fete, as these always sell well.
The Cake Stall is always a family favorite of the Fete. The more sugary goodness, the happier everyone is! We are looking for donations for this stall, think Cakes, Muffins, Brownies, Lamingtons, Scones, Gingerbread, Melting Moments or any delicious items you can think of. We will start collecting donations from Friday 15th November, or you can drop items direct to the stall on the day. To help anyone with food allergies, can you please note key allergens such as nuts etc.
We are looking for cooked donations to sell at the school fete. Hand-held/individual sizes are preferred. Pies are to be cooked, so they can be reheated on the day. Some examples might be: Beef, Lamb, Chicken, Veggie, Sausage Rolls, Spinach and Cheese Rolls, Cultural Alternatives, Cornish Pastie, Tarts, Quiche. We also love some Gluten-Free Varieties To help anyone with food allergies, can you please note key allergens such as seafood etc. .
The Lob-a-choc is always a popular stall. Donations of full size, rectangular/flat chocolate (Eg. Kitkat, Furry Friends, Cherry ripe), would be gratefully received!

Contact us via email, facebook or instagram.